
“The Best Years of My Life”
In the midst of pandemics and job worries, family matters and just daily life in general, it’s easy to forget all that our Chi Phi experience gave us and still gives. Leadership opportunities at the Alpha Delta house, camaraderie with our fellow Alpha Delta brothers, life-changing

Join the Honor Roll
The 2019-2020 giving year is coming to an end! Have you made your contribution? Each year, we recognize our brothers for their generous donations to the Alpha Delta chapter in our Honor Roll. We would like to thank those brothers who have contributed so

Share Your Thoughts, Chi Phi Alumni!
We sent some of our members these questions in an email questionnaire. Now we’d love to hear from all of our Chi Phi Alumni! If you want to answer these questions yourself, or just share your stories, pictures, or personal

Stuck at Home and Self-Isolating? Chi Phi Has an Assignment for You
It’s time to (metaphorically) get out there and create some connections… If you’re sitting at home right now, quarantined and following your local stay-at-home orders, and the most exciting parts of your day have been breakfast, walking the dog and

How Social Distancing Will Help Us Find Happiness
In 2000, Robert Putnam published his groundbreaking book “Bowling Alone,” which argued that Americans had become disconnected from the people in our lives. Over 25 years of research, he found that people belonged to fewer organizations, knew fewer neighbors, met

Undergraduate Spotlight – Fernando Quezado
Just to remind us all that we still have a great group of undergrads living the Chi Phi life, our undergrad spotlight this month is on sophomore Fernando Quezado. Fern is a sophomore from Baltimore, MD studying computational data science