
We are proud to announce that our recent rush season was a remarkable success! We welcomed 23 new members to our brotherhood this Spring, and we are confident that they will make positive contributions to our fraternity while upholding the

The brothers of the Alpha Delta chapter of The Chi Phi Fraternity at Penn State are excited to announce that we were able to collectively raise $73,759.10 for THON 2023 with our sorority partner, Phi Sigma Rho, in support of

Parents Weekend Spring 2023
On Saturday, April 1st, the Alpha Delta chapter hosted a successful parent’s weekend event in conjunction with the Sigma Kappa sorority. This was also our first registered parent’s weekend in almost four years. Hosting over 400 guests in our spacious

Brother of the Week
Following us on Instagram is a great way for Alumni to “meet” the brothers, keep tabs on house activities and help to celebrate our success. Brother of the week posts on Instagram are an important part of the Chi Phi

Blue and White
This semester our alumni weekend falls on the weekend of the Blue & White Game. April 15th, the day of the game, we are planning to host an alumni tailgate, as well as having the house open to hang out

House Association Update
On behalf of the Alpha Delta House Association Board of Directors, After a long sabbatical, we are finally publishing a newsletter to bring the alumni brotherhood up to date on the Chi Phi Kingdom. It has been a real struggle